Saturday, January 29, 2011

Quick & Easy Garlic Alfredo Sauce with Cheese Ravioli (2 Servings)

Have you ever found yourself in a predicament where you have too much pasta and too little Alfredo sauce? Throwing away the pasta would be such a waste, wouldn't it? Or what if you didn't want to eat what was in your fridge?

Well, I've concocted up a quick and easy fix for that savory craving! My boyfriend and I was rummaging in the fridge for a "midnight snack" (it was one of those nights where you don't want to eat anything in the fridge but you look anyway) and we couldn't find anything we wanted to eat. So we kept searching, and in the back of the fridge, someone oh-so-lovingly left behind a jar of pre-made Alfredo sauce. The freezer had some precious bag of cheese ravioli sitting in one corner so I had to have it!

So why is this quick and easy? It's because you will most likely find all these ingredients in your fridge! This recipe will have you wanting more! Trust me, I know my boyfriend loved it! Enjoy!

What You Need:
small pot
fork/wooden spoon
small chopping board
food processor
serving bowl

4 cups water
1/4 tsp salt
10 oz frozen cheese ravioli OR any leftover noodles
2 tbsp olive oil
1-2 cloves of garlic
1 tbsp of butter
1/4 tsp cracked black pepper
1/4 cup leftover Alfredo sauce
1/8 cup parmigiana
1/2 tsp Italian seasoning

  • Preperation - Peel garlic from skin and chop coarsely with a knife on a chopping board. Set aside garlic.
  • If you have frozen pasta, follow instructions on bag to boil pasta to al dente. If you already have some pasta ready, set aside with chopped garlic.
  • If you do have some frozen cheese ravioli, boil 4 cups of cold water in a small pot with 1/4 teaspoon of salt. Once the water comes to a boil, add the frozen ravioli and cook for 3-4 minutes. Any longer than 4 minutes in boiling water would make the ravioli soggy. Drain ravioli/pasta and run under cold water for 1-2 minutes to stop the cooking process. Set aside.
  • In the same pot (wiped clean from the water), heat up olive oil over medium-low heat. Extra Virgin Olive Olive is also a good replacement, but if you don't have either of the two, canola oil and vegetable oil can also work on a high heat setting (The taste might be a bit different though). Add chopped garlic and sauté with a wooden spoon until garlic is almost brown. You don't want to overcook the garlic, otherwise your pasta will have burnt garlic flecks all over!
  • Add butter. Now, I know this sounds weird, but it'll actually taste really good. Butter and oil doesn't really blend well, but try to do your best.
  • Into the concoction, add the pre-made Alfredo sauce and stir occasionally until it simmers. Add pamigiana, italian seasoning, and cracked pepper to sauce (you can readjust to taste).
  • Turn off the heat, and pour mixture into a food processor. Blend well until oil and butter incorporated.
  • In a serving bowl, add the cooled pasta and Alfredo sauce. Toss lightly with the wooden spoon until all pasta is coated well and serve.

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